
Ed and Lorraine Warren: Pets Who Survive The Grave


Judy Spera and Tony Oligino join Ed and Lorraine Warren and share their unique stories. Judy had a dog that was very-well loved that passed on. Shortly after she adopted another dog and it, in many ways, acted exactly like her previous dog did. Tony, a veteran of World War II, recounts the tale that brought him to be known as an animal rescuer. Tony was wounded in battle and in very real danger of capture or death, when he thought back to the hunting he had done as a youth. He experienced a profound moment of empathy for the animals he had shot at, now experiencing such fear himself. He made a commitment to, if he survived, to help and feed every animal he could, and at that moment he saw a brilliant light and heard an overwhelming sound. Needless to say, he survived, and his tale is a beautiful one. Tony O. has since made it his mission to rescue and care for any animal he can, earning himself the nickname, "Birdman of Trumbull". What do you think?

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Related : Ed and Lorraine Warren: Pets Who Survive The Grave