
Ghost photo-bombed a family photo at creepy castle


Spooked dad Nurul Islam, 37, of Chapel Allerton, was on a day out with his family at the popular park when he snapped this photo of his niece and nephew, Mayrian Islam, 11, and Ryhan Kaliq, seven, in front of the castle ruins.

But when he got home and looked again at the picture, he spotted what seems to be a ghostly apparition hovering in the background. Nurul said: “We were taking lots of pictures. Because people were standing on the steps and walking about, we waited for them to move on before we took a picture.

“We waited and waited for a clear point when no-one was there as they wanted to hold their hands together. That’s why we’re sure there was no-one there.

“I didn’t think anything of it and took a few more. Then we got home and looked at the photos and saw this thing at the back of it that wasn’t there before.

“My sister said ‘Oh my God it’s a ghost’. I’ve started to think it might be. There was definitely no-one there when I took the picture.”

Read Full Story: Yorkshire Evening Post

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