
Ghost Comes Home with Son and Decides to Stay


Gerald and Julie Jones have lived at their semi-detached home for 31 years but began experiencing what they describe as paranormal activity a decade ago.

The house is modern, bright and not untypical of other homes in Llandudno Junction, having been built in the late 1960’s. Perched on a corner halfway down Narrow Lane in the shadow of the modern Welsh Government building, the house is neither an Edwardian manor or a 19th century townhouse you’d more likely associate with a traditional haunting.

But Gerald, a retired butcher, says strange goings-on over the years has caused him to fear the dark and says he constantly feels watched.

The couple say the haunting started around 2002, after their son Daniel, now 27, returned home from a ghost-hunting expedition with his then girlfriend.

Shortly after Gerald said one night he felt something ‘touch’ his shoulder when getting into bed and then reported seeing what he thought was a dark figure in his bedroom.

The unexplained activity gradually escalated from the pair reporting cold chills, flickering lights, electrical disturbances, objects falling over untouched to tablets and metal nails being thrown across the room.

Gerald, 60, said: “My son came back from a ghost hunting expedition around 2002. He and his girlfriend had taken pictures of what they told us were ‘orbs’.

“Shortly after my wife went to bed one night and I followed her. She was snuggled up asleep so I used to climb over her. As I did I felt someone rub my shoulder. I looked and my wife was asleep and there was nobody there.

“Things started falling over with no explanation, when it was impossible for them to do so without being knocked. One day I was sat in the lounge with my feet on the table and a tablet was thrown at me which had been on the table, it also happened when I was up a ladder doing DIY.”

The couple then began taking photographs randomly at points in the room and have since captured over 500 pictures of what they consider to be ‘orbs’.

Orbs are sometimes explained scientifically as camera light hitting particles of dust, pollen or even rain in the air.

However many paranormal investigators think orbs can also be suggestive of supernatural activity.
Now the couple say they just want rid of whatever they feel is in their home but say they don’t know where to turn.

“I can feel them in the air- I’ve become very interested in them now,” said Gerald.

“It all started when my son went to the ghost expedition, I don’t know if something has followed him back. I get shivers down my back. If someone could come and bless the house or if somebody has got experience in dealing with ghosts, we want help. We want to know what they want.

“I’m scared, I feel ‘they’ are always behind me, it is that feeling of being watched. It’s been going on for years and I would like it stopped.”

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Related : Ghost Comes Home with Son and Decides to Stay