Showing posts with label ufology. Show all posts

5 Real Alien Encounters

The ages old question remains - Are aliens real? Well, I implore you to ask yourself a different question about extraterrestrials - Not if a...

Scientist At The Skinwalker Ranch

For more than fifty years, the bizarre events at a remote Utah ranch have ranged from the perplexing to the wholly terrifying. Vanishing and...

5 Most Controversial UFO & Alien Cover Ups in History

The thought that another life form could be out there is a fascinating thing to think about, but what is Aliens have already been down to se...

10 Strongest Signs of Aliens and Alien Life

Are we alone? It’s a question that many hope to have answered, and some believe they already have the answer to. Some scientists maintain th...

The Phoenix Lights Abduction

Beyond Creepy looks at a case from Tucson, Arizona in which a man was nearly abducted (or possibly was, but with no memory of it) on the sam...

Meteor Creates Sonic Boom As It Lights Up Sky Over Arizona

A meteor lit up the skies over Arizona early Thursday morning while also breaking the sound barrier and creating a sonic boom. Check it out!...

Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs

"Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs - 2012 (Full Documentary)" explores past and present sightings from around the world with shocking ...

JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories, Goatmen And UFOs

The Fortean Slip 112 The I Shot The Sheriff But I Didn't Shoot The Kennedy Episode. This week Chris and Steve go into JFK assassination ...

The 1966 Bavarian UFO Incident

1966, a group of American GIs stationed in Bavaria, Germany encounter something very strange while on a training exercise. This video looks ...

5 Most Mysterious & Highly Forbidden Places On The Planet

Most of us have probably heard of places such as Area 51, the very secretive base in the Nevada desert, but there are a surprising amount of...

Owls, UFOs And Sychronicity

Mike Clelland joins "Where Did The Road Go?" to finally talk about his book, The Messengers; Owls, Synchronicity, and the UFO Abdu...

The Roachdale Monster

A UFO is sighted over a Roachdale farmhouse followed by an explosion. Not long after, a bipedal creature arrives to terrorize the community....

Green Fireball Seen Above New England

This fireball streaking across the sky was caught on a police officer's dash cam early Tuesday morning May 17th. What do you think? and ...

Proof That Men In Black Do Exist - Documentary

Do the Men in Black really exist? This documentary takes a look at the Men in Black phenomenon. What do you think? and check this out...

UFO Captured On Tape Over Pennsylvania

Stephanie Wilkerson caught this video on her phone of a UFO over Pennsylvania. She called 911. A police officer came over and he saw it too....

10 Disturbing Alien Encounters

The universe is vast and the idea of life out there is one that captivates us all. Do aliens from other worlds come to earth? Here is a look...

Object Exits Earth & Meets Up With Second UFO - Breakdown

Here is a video of what people are calling a UFO meeting up with another UFO. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this footage and ...

The Henry McKay Confession Tape - Men In Black Encounter

The Henry McKay Confession Tape is an audio cassette tape from 1978 of pioneer physical trace UFOlogist Henry McKay talking about his experi...

Advanced Alien Civilizations Existed Before Us: New Study

Scientists at the university of Rochester revised the famous drake equation and says intelligent alien civilizations exited before us. What ...

5 Best UFO Photographs Ever Taken

From the Belgian Wave to the Waterbury, Connecticut Sighting, here is a look at five of the best UFO photographs ever taken. What do you thi...