Showing posts with label Pharaoh. Show all posts

25 Crazy Things You Might Not Know About Ancient Egypt

When you think about ancient Egypt, what comes to mind? Pyramids, pharaohs, cats maybe? You probably have at least a passing knowledge of wh...

15 Myths & Facts About Ancient Egypt

From alien theories to the rights of Egyptian women, here are 15 of the most surprising and myth-breaking facts about Ancient Egypt only dis...

Ancient Aliens - Hidden Pyramids

With infrared satellite technology detecting pyramids hidden underneath the sand in Egypt and airborne laser sensors discovering long lost p...

Ancient Aliens, Roswell Slides Released And Tombstone Paranormal Hoax

The Fortean Slip 75 The It Has To Be Ancient Aliens Episode. This week Chris and Steve look at Ancient Aliens the TV show and the genre in g...

The 10 Greatest Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

Many mysteries surround the people of ancient Egypt. Theories of who and what they were have been debated and argued for years. Were the Egy...

5 Ancient Curses Still Haunting People Today

Do you believe in curses? Dare to cross these 5 ancient curses, and you will regret it...