Showing posts with label Giorgio Tsoukalos. Show all posts

Ancient Aliens, Roswell Slides Released And Tombstone Paranormal Hoax

The Fortean Slip 75 The It Has To Be Ancient Aliens Episode. This week Chris and Steve look at Ancient Aliens the TV show and the genre in g...

5 Most Convincing Alien Abduction Stories

Have extra-terrestrials visited our planet? These terrifying real-life abduction stories seem to suggest that not only have they visited, th...

Alien and UFO Government Cover Ups

The Fortean Slip Rewind..... The Fortean Slip 54 Now That I Have My Cover Ups I'm A Big Boy Episode. In the wake of Boyd Bushman's d...

10 Reasons We Still Haven't Met Aliens

Even though sighting reports are made all over of UFO's, and people claim to be abducted by aliens the world over, why is it that we as ...

Giorgio Tsoukalos School Of Hair Design

Here's one for all you Ancient Aliens fans.