Showing posts with label Apocolypse. Show all posts

Was there a Stone Age Zombie Apocolypse

The zombie apocalypse may be much more than a plot device exploited by modern horror movies. In fact, fears about the walking dead may go b...

Google's Zombie Survival Map

Well I think I'll be okay at first Well I'm sure a few of you have asked this question: "What do I need and where do I get supp...

The First Zombie-Proof House (lots of photos)

Can you say awesome, I know I can.     Somehow, ritual drunk-conversation concerning team captains for the apocalypse has become a major pa...

Center of Disease Control: Zombie Apocalypse Prepardness

Who says the Government isn't watching our back. The following was originally posted on CDC Public Health Matters Blog on May 16th, 2011...