Showing posts with label Ancient Civilizations. Show all posts

Archaeologists Uncover 'Giant' Gate To Goliath's Home City Of Gath

Archaeologists have uncovered what they believe to be the ancient city of Gath, home of the Giant Goliath. Check out the video below for mor...

10 Lost Cities That Have Been Found

Lost Cities - from ancient roman cities to near perfect preservation areas found in a rain forest, we take a look at 10 lost cities that hav...

The Book Of Enoch - The Book for the Final Generation

Left out of the Bible and thought by many to just be mythical stories, the book of Enoch raises many questions and may answer others. What d...

Voynich Code - The Worlds Most Mysterious Manuscript

It is the world's most mysterious manuscript. A book, written by an unknown author, illustrated with pictures that are as bizarre as the...

The Ghosts Of Machu Picchu - Documentary

Who or what built the mountain city of Machu Picchu? This amazing structure begs questions that may never be answered. Did the Inca truly bu...

The Ancient Lost City Of Petra

How did early engineers carve tombs into rock cliffs and funnel water to this desert city? The ancient city of Petra was literally carved fr...

Ancient Greeks Feared The Walking Dead

The ancient Greeks are often credited with being the forefathers of logic and rational thought, but it seems they also lived in fear of zomb...

World's 10 Most Mysterious Civilizations

For almost as long as we've had civilization, we've lost it. There are records going back hundreds of years of explorers discovering...


Are humans the result of genetic experiments performed by an alien race thousands of years ago?

Ancient Aliens - Hidden Pyramids

With infrared satellite technology detecting pyramids hidden underneath the sand in Egypt and airborne laser sensors discovering long lost p...

World's 10 Strangest Out Of Place Artifacts

From the Maine Penny to the Antikythera Mechanism here are ten out of place artifacts.

10 Reasons We Still Haven't Met Aliens

Even though sighting reports are made all over of UFO's, and people claim to be abducted by aliens the world over, why is it that we as ...

7 Legendary Lost Worlds Shrouded in Mystery

Did a whole civilization disappear in one day? Is there a place on earth where everything is covered in gold? Here are 7 legendary lost worl...

5 Mysterious Artifacts No One Can Explain

There are many remarkable ancient artifacts that could re-write history as we know it. These artifacts are highly controversial. According t...

The 500 Year Old MAP That Could REWRITE Human History

The Piri Reis Map is argued to be one of the most advanced written ancient maps that was done prior to the 16th Century. The map somehow rep...

6 Hidden Clues Behind Mysterious Ancient Civilizations

Mankind's history is like one big jigsaw puzzle, if that puzzle's pieces had been spilled down the back of the sofa and fallen throu...

Scientists Find Ancient 'Lost Continent' in the Indian Ocean

Scientists say they have found evidence of a lost continent, Mauritia. Beyond Science takes a look at this story. What do you think? and che...

Top 5 Fascinating Artifacts Of Mysterious Origin

From the Glozel Tablets to Egyptian Spider Art, Dark Light T takes a look at five fascinating artifacts of mysterious origin. What do you th...